

What do we do…

We are an Emergency Pack Out company that focuses on rapidly responding 24/7 to disasters as a result of any type of water damage. Our crew will come out to your residential or commercial property to take plenty of photos of your furniture and personal content’s PRE-existing conditions. If any furniture pieces or contents are water damaged, our technicians will document it by taking photos, detecting the amount of moisture in the material, and creating a Loss Sheet which will be sent directly to your insurance company. Our crew will inventory and take photos of each content being stored away through Contents Track software to easily and efficiently find items later on in the process. Once packed, your contents will be stored away from the damaged area to either a pod container, storage facility, or if preferred, in the comfort of your own garage! Before returning your items back into your home any items/furniture pieces that are still savable will be thoroughly cleaned and wiped down. Once your property and you are ready, we will return all your contents back to your place and conduct a Pack In. Thanks to the plenty of pictures we took before-hand, we know exactly where everything goes and it will be a smooth transition back, as if nothing ever happened!

Our purpose…

Provide optimal excellence and care for your items in order to save them from further damage and to save YOU from further headaches. We strive to be our client’s helping hand in a time of need so we pack-it out, so you don’t have to!